4. Here you want to rotate just enough to make the Menace ball roll from Q2 to Q1, but at the same time you also don't want to rotate too much, or else the professor won't be able to walk left (a bit upwards, due to this angle you're creating), towards the Veil. The professor's feet on the ground don't count as a sound. community members have thanked the author. Bridge Four is the name of a group headed by Kaladin Stormblessed, an Alethi Knight Radiant of the Order of Windrunners. You will easily see this Wisp on the top of a column in the middle of the area. Of course "120°" is an indicative number; what matters is that the position is not horizontal, but a bit more towards the bottom-right of the screen. Walk right and rotate the room with RT. In this level there is a Wisp to collect! As black professor, walk right to reach the black door, and exit through it. What's going to happen is that in the fourth and last step the professor will temporarily pass through the Veil, and the rotation you make while he passes through it will stack up, repetition after repetition. 2. 2. While standing on the button, slowly rotate with LT to make the Menace swing to the left, out of the range of the vortex. Rotate with LT. Then continue to walk right and rotate with RT, so you cause the professor to "chase" the Menace as it rolls counterclockwise from Q1 to Q4. 8. If that's not the case, you don't need to rotate while you go through the Veil (you should need to use LT only outside the Veil, when you start sliding). Walk right, and reach the position where the Menace started this level. Everything here will be done with LT/RT, like in the original level. Out of curiosity, it's perfectly possible to complete Chapter III (behind door " III ") before Chapter II (behind door " II "), since both can be accessed and completed right after Chapter I. Chapter 8. 6. 3. At this point, quickly grab it (if you stay in the same area and keep dodging the Menace only by using the Inversions, you will be just next the white key with white professor when the time comes). Chapter Four has a greater variety of puzzles. From the corner where you are now (the corner closer to the lantern closer to the Veil), rotate slowly with RT to make the Menace slide towards the door. In this level takes place the Refrainer achievement. Rotate -90° with LT to fall to the door to complete this level (it's on the left of the button). Baldur's Gate II Chapter 4 is the fourth part of Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.After defeating your opponent's guild, either Bodhi or Aran Linvail will have sent you on a ship to Brynnlaw, sailed by Saemon Havarian.If you joined the Shadow Thieves, Saemon will betray you when you arrive and summon three vampires to attack you in the Brynnlaw docks. When it's done, the white key will be in the bottom-left part of this area (from the original perspective, as always). 9. After two laps the key will be positioned in the corner that, from the original perspective of this level, is the bottom-right corner. As black professor in the Veil, rotate with RT until the door is upside-down. Chapter 12: Stranded; Chapter 13: Building the Bridge From where you start this level, rapidly rotate to the right (RT) to fall on the first platform below; one of the Menace Balls on the "fish" platform will fall down and to the right (towards the platform with the door). As always, if you make a mistake don't use Backtrack (rewind), but use Reset Puzzle instead. 4. It just happens). The Menace will appear to be inside an area shaped like a " G " slightly rotated to the left now. Therefore you need to complete both Chapter II and Chapter III before accessing Chapter IV. After careful and lengthy preparation that involved training the bridgemen to fight and obtaining necessary resources, and just when they found an opportunity to set their escape plan into motion, Kaladin and Bridge Four found themselves unexpectedly thrust into Alethi politics when their highprince Torol Sadeas betrayed Dalinar Kholin during the Battle of the Tower, leaving the latter outnumbered by the Parshendi army they were battling. D. Then rotate some more with RT to make the professor slide towards the corner where this process began. Now slowly and carefully walk to the right, rotating the area with LT just a little bit so that the Menace Ball above you (the only one left on the bird platform) slowly slides down and to the left (towards the platform where the door is). Because of this Dalinar considered them too important for guard duty, so that was given to other bridge crews instead. When you're next to it, press A to complete this level by going through it. The rest of the former slaves copy him. Keep going until you reach the second Inversion (the one closer to the door). 8. In order to reach them you have to use the newly-acquired ability of the professor to completely rotate (with LT/RT) the "My Home" area where you area (rotate left from the door " I ", then walk right to reach the ceiling of the second floor, and then rotate back to the normal position). This page contains the walkthrough for Chapter 4 of The Evil Within 2, Behind the Curtain. TrueAchievements.com and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. 2. 2. When the latter hits the ceiling just a bit left (and above, obviously) of the professor, quickly press LT to make a stronger and quicker rotation: if everything goes fine the professor will "limbo" underneath the Menace ball and land on the path where the door is. 7. At this point you are in the same situation of the original "The Loft" level, and you only need to walk right to descend on the central pillar and then proceed further right to reach the door, with the Menace out of the way. You want to rotate with LT/RT (and walk with the professors, if necessary) until you accomplish two things: A. If the professor hits the "upper" Menace of the last two near the door, you need to start pressing LT a bit earlier than you're doing. As white professor, go right until you reach the second of the next Inversions (ignore the first one you come across). 2. If he's hitting the "lower" Menace, on the contrary, you need to start pressing RT a bit earlier, or stop pressing it a bit later. Sector D31; Sector D32; Sector D33; Sector D34; Sector D35; Sector D36; Sector D37; Sector D38; Sector D39; Sector D40 Continue rotating with LT, so the Menaces flies towards the door, while the professor falls into the vortex. In other words, while standing inside a Veil you can rotate the room all you want, even upside-down, but the professor will stand inside the Veil no matter what. In case the middle Menace hits you, you need to adjust the rotation angle inside the Veil. To accomplish this result you want to make the rotations to send the Menace there slowly, so it doesn't get too much momentum. 5. If everything is done correctly, both Menace balls will be on the buttons. The former, when pushed, opens the door to exit; the latter, when pushed, disables the vortex above it. Kaladin started thinking of escape, not just for himself, but for the rest of the crew.[10]. Walk right and rotate with RT to reach the nearby white door. Mirrored Chapter II-V: Mirrored Mausoleum. 2. Now focus on moving the professor: use LT and RT to make him fall down into the vortex. 1. Don't rotate too hard; you want to keep the professor in Q4. The Menace should be placed right on the top of the button, opening the door that allows you to complete this level. Adjust the angle a bit so that the Menace can swing far enough from the key for you to be able to (that's what we'll do in a moment) interact with door I and touch the key without having to come in contact with the Menace. To find it, use the Backtrack (rewind) feature for a whole minute (just hold down the B button from where you begin). 2. Chapter 04. Follow these instructions carefully, and use the images/video to understand it better. Open door I, which will materialize the nearby key. Rotate +90° with RT and start walking right towards the other Menace, which is near the door. Don't be too concerned about understanding how they work; if you're going to use a guide it doesn't really matter, since I'll just tell you what to do with them. 4. This is the reason why the key in this level can stand still on the "ceiling" (a rock actually) above the door without falling down towards the door itself. Go right and rotate with RT to make two complete laps. I'll repeat them again, just in case: - Use the Inversion on the left after getting the key (careful not to Invert when the Menace on the other side of the Inversion is too close)- Get inside the Veil and make a -180° rotation with LT to send the two Menace balls in the corners mentioned earlier- Walk left and rotate with LT to follow the path, using every Inversion on the way. Sometimes I'll use "color" references though. 2. Walk left from the door, and fall down (fall off the edge on the left). so you can "fall" on the platform with the birds on (you need to do a full 360° rotation). 1. By doing this you will unlock: Catch the unchained key in The Mirrored Courtyard. 5. You can see the direction of the wind by looking at the movement of black particles in the background. 4. 11. Walk to the right until you come across the first Inversion; use it. If this is not the case, rotate very slowly with RT to create the minimum angle for the professor on the right (the one that fell down) to start sliding towards the key, while the other one stands still. If you take a look at the house, on the right of the " door I " you will now notice an Inversion device, which just recently appeared (it appears after completing Chapter III). The Wind currents are what is going to complicate things the most. It will all become clear once you see a few of them in action. Don't use the Veil just yet. Mirrored Chapter III-IV: Mirrored Antique. Before entering either door you may want to check out a couple of things out here. As black professor again, walk right and rotate with RT to reach the door. Now slowly rotate with RT; you want to make the Menace fall off the edge (on the right of the button), but slowly enough for you to be able to press LT as soon as it's off the edge, so that the Menace goes left into the now-respawned vortex instead of crushing the professor by going right. This walkthrough is the property of TrueAchievements.com. If everything is done correctly, this very precise movement will allow the professor to slide below the first Menace, and then between the other two Menaces; then he will land just in front of the door. Walk left on this pillar to drop on the pillar below, like in this picture. 3. 2. One (white) professor is in the white-key-area, the other (black) is in the Menace-area. And weaves the realities of homelessness, fear, and despair, with the love that finds us in the most unsuspecting and extraordinary places. Inside the Veil, slowly rotate the area with LT to make the Menace balls go towards the button on the left (the one farther away from the door). Walk right and open door III to spawn a vortex just on your left. 2. You need to make it gain enough momentum, as you did in similar previous circumstances. And it was called Bridge Four. At some point, Teft and Lopen bonded Honorspren to become Knights Radiant. The same applies to keys (only white professors can pick up white keys, only black professors can pick up black keys), and even to Menaces (a white Menace can't hurt a black professor, and vice-versa). 1. 3. Being a part of the Sadeas army, Bridge Four witnessed the betrayal. Ignore the Veil for now, and go right of the white door (where you came from); the professor will be black again. 1. Surviving members who've been in Bridge Four since the bridge crew days have glyphs for "Freedom" and "Bridge Four" tattooed on their person. 8. At this point, rotate with RT just a bit, so that the sliding panel goes once again from Q3/Q4 to Q2/Q1, and the Menace, as a consequence, can then roll from Q4 to Q3. 1. The two possible sources of noise are the key and the sliding panel. Walk left through the first side of the Veil, and continue to go left so you can reach the second side of the Veil (the side above Q1). If you rotate too fast the Menace will not fall into the vortex (it will head towards the other button); this is not what you want, so do it slowly and send the Menace into the vortex. Go right from the tree, so you reach the house again. In other words, make it slide so that there is a passage open in Q2 for the professor to fall down (to the left) to Q1. 2. Make a strong rotation with RT, so the key and the professor both fall near where the door is. Start by using LT/RT to rotate the area a bit, causing some fruits to fall on the ground and, eventually, on the head of the professor. Therefore, as mentioned for one of the previous levels, make sure to walk right when you rotate with RT, and walk left when you rotate with LT. 9. Rotate with RT so that the Menace in the bottom-right part of the screen rolls as far to the right as the chain lets it. In this level takes place the Corridor-Inverter achievement. Your goal now is to create the minimum angle necessary to cause the second professor (the bottom one who was in the vortex) to start sliding down and to the left, while at the same time keeping the first professor steady on the button (if the angle is small enough, only the bottom professor will slide). 2. Inside the Veil, rotate with LT about -180°; this will make both Menaces go into two different corners: one in the corner on the right of the Veil, and the other in the corner in the bottom/bottom-left corner of the screen. 7. 4. In order to open the door here you'll need two keys. The professor will automatically fall down now. Awesome walkthrough. 7. Inside the Veil, rotate with LT until both the invisible Menace and the invisible key are just near the door I (which is just right of the Veil). 5. Since there is no use for rotation at all, this won't penalize you and won't change the way you should play this level. This of course includes the solutions to the forty-eight puzzles of the game, but also indications on the Wisps to collect and other miscellaneous/level-specific achievements to unlock. You won't actually see the door opening or the professor going through it though. A "vortex" is simply what you would expect it to be: a vortex that will suck anything too close to it, and this includes the professor, the keys, and (later) the Menaces. The following week, at the beginning of the school year, Jess and Leslie meet again. Rotate the area with LT so that the professor is standing on a horizontal ledge in the upper-right corner. Walk left out of the Veil and open door II. Continue to the right, rotate with RT when necessary, and follow the way to the right to reach, eventually, an Inversion (it's the usual Inversion "inside" Q4) -- use it. Walk a bit to the right, and barely touch LT; this will make the Menace above your head (the Menace on the platform where the door is) roll down to the left. 5. Now you are white professor, just on the right of the Veil. 5. Inside the Veil (you can tell if you're inside because you'll hear a noise and also notice a visual clue. After completing Chapter III you will unlock: The door with a " IV " marked on it is in the basement of the house. 6. 6. 1. By locking it in Q3 we assured that the Menace stayed safely in Q3 with the first angle of rotation, then slided to the left side of Q3, and then went to Q4 on the "safe" (left) side. 9. You will eventually manage to get to the first white key (the one that from the original perspective was on the upper-right corner). As white professor, walk right for quite a while. When enough time has passed, the professor will be automatically thrown far up in the air, where the Wisp has just spawned. 12. This isn't any different from the use of the Veil that we did in the previous two levels, without lanterns. This will make the white Menace ball get stuck in the corner of Q2 that, with the arch pointing slightly towards the bottom-right of the screen, is the upper/upper-left corner of Q2 (from the perspective with the arch pointing towards the top, this would look like the bottom-left corner). 2. This novel study divides Bridge to Terabithia into six sections for study. 3. Now a black professor is in the black-key-area, and a white professor is in the white-key-area. As white professor, walk right to head towards the black door. 3. 4. 9. Walk left and use the first Inversion nearby. These appear as square tiles on the walls. Walk further right past the door to fall down back where you started this level. Chapter 11. Now follow the way to the right, so you can return to the same Inversion you used previously; use it again. Pull it to create a bridge, allowing you to avoid the pit on your way back out. 5. 7. 4. After completing Mirrored Chapter III you will unlock: 1. Mirrored Chapter I-IV: Mirrored Courtyard. 2. 6. When the … Bridge Fourwas originally a bridge crew in the army of Highprince Sadeas. Chapter 10. 3. 10. It's important that you go right, and not simply left. 2. Walk left out of the Veil, rotate with LT, and quickly use the Inversion on the left. You must not Backtrack (rewind), or else it won't spawn (if you die/accidentally rewind, press Start and choose to Reset Puzzle). Follow the instructions below to do it easily. 4. Rotate with RT again, causing the Menace to fall on the platform with the fish mark. Then keep rotating with RT until the Menace is on the button. Inside you will find the door to the first Mirrored Chapter. You are now white professor, just on the right of the white door. 2. 2. Just like the previous chapters, it consists of ten sectors (D31 through D40), one storyline room at the end of the chapter - The Brig and a secret room where you obtain the fourth optional achievement. As white professor, now walk left and rotate with LT to make two full "laps" in the small middle area where you are confined. Chapter 6. Henchard's wife acted for the best, but she had involved ... To the level eye of humanity it stood as an indistinct mass behind a dense ... Chapter 4. Complete The Timepiece in less than 1 minute. [1], Their insignia, designed by Kaladin, is made up of the glyph vev (meaning the number four) suspended above the glyph gesheh (meaning bridge), stylized as a bridge spanning a chasm. Portal over to the far side and push the button. If you didn't touch LT/RT, after completing this level you will unlock: 1. The rotation in this level is particularly sensitive, so you'll need to make very quick/short rotations. You want to go right for quite a while after reverting your color; continue until you reach the Veil as black professor. Keep the same rotation you had previously (don't touch LT/RT) ! The white Menace ball should stay right on the button in Q2. Have the upper professor drop off the edge; do so very slowly. After the ball hits the floor near the door, rapidly rotate with RT to make the professor fall down towards the key-button. The chapter's name is a reference to Bertrum's quote: "For forty years, I've built attractions that stagger the imagination! Inside the Veil, rotate with RT so that the black Menace ball reaches Q3. From here it will be very easy to freefall to the right and reach the Wisp. 3. You need to be very, very precise, especially in the steps #8-12. In this level takes place the Runner achievement. Just make sure that the sliding panel is in Q2/Q1. Slowly rotate with RT, until the professor barely begins to slide to the right. After using the Inversion for the second time, this time (as black professor) walk left and rotate with LT to quickly reach the door and exit. I'll conventionally divide the four areas below the arch in four quarters. The reason for this is not completely certain. 3. Chapter 1. As white professor, go left and rotate with LT to reach the next Inversion, which is the first one you used in this level. When it's all done, reach either door " II " or door " III " in the house. 6. 3. You will fundamentally have to repeat the following routine over and over to gradually rotate the room without stopping by the Veil (you will pass through the Veil, but you won't actually step and stand still inside it. This page details information on how to complete and survive Chapter 4: Part 4, the Castle and Hive. Walk right out of the Veil, and rotate with RT so you can reach the panel in Q1. Since they will both end up being white/black, and they will constantly change their reciprocal position (plenty of rotations in this level), the best way to refer to them will be in relation to their position in the three sections this level is made of: the section with the Menace, the section with the white key, the section with the black key. Down RT thanks the bridge chapter 4 level 4 reading 'd have to walk out of the ledge opposite its starting.... Flies up and down the curvy floor, walk to the door to complete this level ( it because. Way to a button although there are several `` doors '' which work like if were... The crew. [ 10 ], slowly rotate with LT after you fall, and you 've all. Can see the `` vortex '' gravity will then send the Menace remains in... You die ; simple as that make very quick/short rotations way to a button is any. Rights Reserved proceed until Sam gives you a rope order of Windrunners notice a visual clue without these,! 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