Which way to use depends on whether heavily on whether the format of input date value is unchanged and consistent every time. Method 3: Using DateTime class to get current year. How to get the first and last date of current month using JavaScript ? You can use any one of the following method-Method 1: Using date() function. @hemingt  Please try this as a Custom Column in Power Query to get the last two digits of the current year or any date field from the table. At the end we just need to subtract the days, months and years to get the difference after the two conditions are dealt with. The integer returned by time() represents the number of seconds elapsed since midnight GMT on January 1, 1970. We have seen how to create a JavaScript date object and use it for displaying current date and time. e.g. But I want to get as 1914, is it possible? date - How do I use PHP to get the current year? * and 5.3 Also, note that the anything about the year 10000 is not supported. : 7.0.0: Added constants: DATE_RFC3339_EXTENDED and DateTime::RFC3339_EXTENDED. If you use only one parameter, It will return info about the current time. The FORMAT controls the output. Hi Team, I use the M language Date.WeekOfYear(Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()), Day.Monday) to get to the current week number, the value is 14 for today. MySQL stores the year of the date value using four digits. While iterating we will extract the digit from each position and then add them to the previously extracted digit, thus getting the sum. spelling and grammar. 10 to 11, 11 to 12, 12 to 13 and so on each year. It can take two parameters. I’d like to only get the last two digits of a year when I use getYear(); it returns 107 and i just want 07 so i can display for example 09JAN07. The PHP Date() Function. How do I get the last two digit of e.g. In this tutorial you will learn how to extract or format the date and time in PHP. Get a Date. Format(Year(Date()),"yy") returns 05. Below, you can see that I have displayed 3 regular measures based on the selected month (Sales for selected month, Sales YTD and Sales Last Year) along with a bar chart that shows the sales for the last N months based on the selected month (special thanks to the folks at PowerBI.tips for the pretty layout). PHP date function is an in-built function that simplify working with date data types. email is in use. I want to get only the last two digits of present year. $year; ?> Output: Current year is: 2014 5.5.0: The class now implements DateTimeInterface. I want to read last two digits of year. For example: In this query, we have used the Year function as follows: Expr1: Year(#13/08/1985#) and. Help is appreciated. For example, when using yyy, the year will be returned as three digits if the year is 0008 but as four digits if the year is 2008. Expr2: Year([CategoryDate]) The first Year function will extract the year value from the date 13/08/1985 and display the results in a … : 5.4.24: The COOKIE constant was changed to reflect RFC 1036 using a four digit year rather than a two digit year (RFC 850) as prior versions. Thus "2008-06-32" is not a valid date string, for instance. getYear() Note that getYear() function returns years in two digits for year from 1900 to 1999 and it returns three digit year starting from year 2000. Use the format character “Y”(Capital letter) in the date() function to display the current year. See the following code-